At My-Mountains and ECHO Rails & Trails, sustainability is not just an empty word. We actively seek to curb the impact of our tours on the natural environment. Here's how we do it.

Greener tourism

The travel industry is notorious for the impact it has on the natural environment. Excessive tourism can cause pollution, destroy natural habitats, increase CO2 emissions and deplete resources.

Our companies focus on delivering thrilling outdoor adventures: from hiking to skiing and cultural experiences. That’s why it was crucial for us to develop a robust sustainability strategy.

Our aim is to give you the best possible experience, while preserving nature for future generations.

sustainability strategy

We are Swisstainable

Swisstainable is a national sustainability program created by the Swiss Tourism Association. It focuses on developing sustainable solutions for Switzerland as a travel destination. 

What does it mean for us?

  • We are part of a national network of green businesses
  • We receive support to develop our sustainability strategy
  • We help other suppliers and destinations achieve their sustainability goals
  • We keep abreast of new green solutions through Swisstainable webinars, forums and roundtables


All our tours are done by public transport only.

We are lucky to operate in a country with one of the best public transport systems in the world. To reduce CO2 pollution, we decided to stop using private vehicles.

Instead, we offer amazing rail journeys through the most iconic Swiss locations. We will also plan your custom trip by public transport.

What does it mean for you?

  • An opportunity to travel by all means of transport imaginable: trains, buses, boats, cable cars, and funiculars.
  • A detailed travel plan with arrival and departure times delivered a month before departure.
  • Travelling with Swiss Travel Pass or Swiss Travel Pass Flex, valid for all connections and offering extra discounts on local attractions.
  • You will never have to worry about being stuck in a traffic jam, experiencing road accidents, or accessing villages with limited vehicle movement.
  • You will ride on board some of the world’s most amazing panoramic train lines.
best tour operator in switzerland

Farm-to-Table Dining

Sustainability means investing in short food supply chains. We want the food we offer to spend as little time as possible being transported from where it’s grown to your plate. Fortunately, more and more restaurants are offering seasonal menus based on local produce.

What does it mean for you?

  • Varied, seasonal menus reflecting the region’s climate and location.
  • Fresh, organic ingredients grown within your eye’s reach.
  • Cruelty-free meat and dairy products.
  • Supporting local farmers and gardeners.
swiss luxury ski experience

Education For Sustainable Tourism

We strive to educate and promote sustainable travelling practices among our collaborators and clients. For us, eco-friendly travelling is a practice that shows respect for local culture and nature. 

What does it mean for you?

  • We will encourage you to follow a Leave No Trace approach when hiking.
  • We will help you immerse in the local cultures and traditions, giving you a peek at what it’s like to live in Switzerland.  
  • With our ECHO Rails & Trail reusable water bottle, you can drink from any tap along the way.
  • Not sure how to recycle your trash? Let us do it for you!
Lucerne Farmers Markets

Eco-Friendly Partners

Our sustainability strategy involves collaborating with people and businesses who share the same principles. We select hotels and restaurants committed to reducing their environmental impact: especially those that reduce water waste and promote a short food supply chain.

What does it mean for you?

  • The same level of comfort with a clean conscience.
  • Access to local produce such as honey, dried meats, authentic Swiss cheese and wine from the region.
  • Supporting local farmers and producers, as well as regional industrial networks.
hiking in Switzerland

Greener Business

We have assessed our impact and set clear sustainability strategy goals for My-Mountains and ECHO Rails & Trails. We are a paperless company, and tours are developed with eco-friendly goals in mind.

What does it mean for you?

  • You will receive all your travel documents via email or an app.
  • We sensitize our partners to send us e-invoices.
  • Our itineraries are optimized to shorten travel time.
  • We only lead small group tours with maximum of 16 participants.